For Consumers

2025 Medicare Open Enrollment

Oct. 15 - Dec. 7 is Medicare's annual Open Enrollment Period. If you've recently learned that your Medicare Advantage plan is going away, we understand how frustrating this can be, but you need to select a new plan soon. Open enrollment is a busy time and your Medicare and You handbook (PDF, 3.7 MB) can help you get started. 

During open enrollment you have two options:

1: Choose a different Medicare Advantage plan

You can select a different Medicare Advantage plan, but your options will depend on where you live. People who have a low income, live in an institution or who have certain chronic conditions have additional options. 

2: Choose a Medicare Supplement or "Medigap" plan and a Medicare Part D plan

Since you already have Original Medicare (Parts A and B) you can select a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan that will help pay for out-of-pocket costs that Original Medicare doesn't cover. 

If you take prescriptions, you will want to get a Medicare prescription (Part D) plan.

Note: If your plan was discontinued, you have special rights, called “guaranteed issue.” This means the insurance company cannot deny you coverage based on your health condition or give you a waiting period. Be sure to keep copies of your discontinuation notice in case you need proof you lost coverage. 

Also, Medicare has programs that help people save money on Part A, B and D.  Find out if you qualify for the Medicare Savings Program or Extra Help (PDF, 256.75KB)

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