RCW lawsWAC rulesLegislation and rulemaking AAdministrative hearingsAdjuster pre-licensing experience and education requirementsAffiliationsAppealing a health insurance denialBBalance Billing Protection ActBirthday ruleBondsCCasualty insurance laws and rules by topic (PDF, 28KB)COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)Company Complaint Response System (CRS)Compensation and disclosureCoordination of benefitsCriminal offenses - producer licensingDData calls and reportingDesignated responsible licensed person (DRLP)EEmergency medical servicesFFinancial exams HHealth insurance laws and rules by topic (PDF, 373KB)IIndependent review organization (IRO) processIndex to life and health laws and rules (PDF, 373KB)Index to property and casualty insurance laws and rules (PDF, 377KB)Insurance Fair Conduct Act (IFCA)LLegislation & rulemakingLife and health insurance laws and rules (PDF, 373KB)Life-expectancy tableLong-term care insurer compliance filing formMMandatory auto insurance lawMarijuana licensees insurance requirementsMarket Conduct reporting and oversightMedical malpracticeOOrders - disciplinary and generalPPetition state administrative rule (PDF, 553KB)Producer licensing and oversightProperty and casualty insurance laws and rules (PDF, 377KB)Public Records Act RRecords retention - for licenseesRegulatory surcharge - insurersRules - proposedRules - recently adoptedRules - withdrawnSSecurity breach notification requirementsSeparate premium accountsService of legal processSurprise billing and the Balance Billing Protection ActSubrogation and your rightsTTechnical assistance advisories and emergency ordersTerrorism Risk Insurance Extension ActTitle insurance inducements rulesTransgender medical coverageWWomen's health insurance rights See alsoRecent laws and rules affecting licenseesAdopted laws and rules for insurersProposed laws and rules for insurersNeed More Help?Ask an insurance expertCall us at 800-562-6900, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday