SHIBA volunteers and volunteer coordinators can find all the latest News Flashes and how to sign up to receive them, along with getting outreach events on the SHIBA online events calendar and submitting your advertising requests. SHIBA Town Hall Meeting Recordings:January 07, 2025January 08, 2025January 09, 2025April 23, 2024April 24, 2025April 25, 2024October 08, 2024October 09, 2024October 10, 2024Need help with Medicare Open Enrollment? (PDF, 1.38 MB)Medicare fraud prevention outreach campaignNews FlashRPEC Podcast - Conversation with Tim SmolenSHIBA Volunteer Recognition Week proclamation (PDF, 773.90 KB)SHIBA event calendarSHIBA web-based event calendar formSHIBA advertising request form See alsoAbout SHIBA servicesNeed more help?Email usCall SHIBA's communications manager at 360-725-7238