Effective July 23, 2023, pre-licensing education (PLE) is no longer required in Washington.
PLE providers must keep all records for at least three years from the date the record was created.
PLE providers must maintain the following records:
- Provider, program director, instructor and course applications
- Provider-approval letter
- Provider-renewal letters
- Student registration/enrollment form
- Attendance register (if lecture) documenting at least 20 hours of study
- Study log (if self-study) documenting at least 20 hours of study
- Certificate of completion, with course information and authorized signature
- Course evaluations (completed by students)
- Course materials
- Instructional lesson plan for each course
- Tuition account records, including, rebates, referrals and refunds
- Monthly rosters
- Correspondence related to PLE courses
- Provider personnel records, including background check
Study log
A study log is required to document course completion for a self-study course. The study log may be automated if the course is online. For a correspondence course or for making up missed lecture course time, the study log can be printed.
The study log must include:
- Student name
- Course title
- Each date of study
- Start time and end time each day
- The topics studied each day
- Attestation next to the signature line, for example, “The information I logged is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge”
- Signature of the student*
*For an online self-study course, a log-in user name and password is accepted in lieu of the attestation and student’s signature.
The provider must document attendance for each lecture course student. Attendance can be monitored using an attendance register signed at the beginning and end of each day by the student with their arrival and departure times. The attendance register must include the course title and date of the class. Include the instructor's name and signature.
We will also accept a record of attendance kept by the instructor with the course title, date, name of each student in the classroom with their arrival and departure time. This record of attendance can be completed by the instructor based on a roll call at the beginning and end of the class. If students pre-register, a print-out of the student registration list can be used.
If a student is late to class or leaves the classroom early, the instructor must note the time on the record of attendance. Class time missed by the student can be made up by attending a make up class or by completing self-study for the time and topics missed in class. If a student misses more than half the lecture class, the student should not make up the missed time by self-study. The student should re-enroll in the lecture course or re-enroll and complete the entire self-study course. Any additional tuition charged to re-enroll must be specified in the provider’s tuition policy disclosed to the student at the time of the initial enrollment for the lecture course.
You must document that the student has completed a minimum of 20 hours of study and the entire curriculum as specified in the exam content outline before you can issue the course certificate.