Your personal auto policy will generally cover you for personal use. This could include giving a friend or family member a ride or taking your neighbor to a medical appointment. It will also generally cover you during unpaid volunteer work. Incidental, non-commercial use (for example: occasional transport of elderly or sick passengers) is not considered commercial use and is generally covered under a personal auto insurance policy. In the past, this practice has been accepted by the industry without serious problems.
Many policies do not automatically include coverage for paid ride share or food delivery services, such as Uber or Lyft. Some insurers offer an endorsement to provide this coverage. Check with your agent or company to see if this coverage is available to you.
Make sure you have the right auto coverage
If you have questions about whether your personal policy will cover you for certain activities, it’s a good idea to:
- Read your policy carefully to see what it does and doesn’t cover.
- Contact your agent or insurance company for advice.