There are various reasons why people have trouble getting auto insurance. If you're having trouble finding an insurance company to cover you, you may need to consider the Automobile Insurance Plan.
In Washington state, all drivers must have insurance.
Automobile Insurance Plan
If your driving record keeps you from getting auto coverage and you can't locate an agent to offer you coverage, then you — or the agent on your behalf — can contact the Automobile Insurance Plan.
This plan must offer auto insurance coverage to hard-to-insure drivers who can't get coverage.
The state may require you to prove you have insurance
- The Washington state Department of Licensing (DOL) may require you to keep and show valid auto liability insurance for a certain period of time. This proof is called an SR 22 form.
- Your agent or insurance company may fill this form out for you and send it to DOL as proof that you have coverage.
- Not all companies will file SR 22s for you. You may need to shop around for a company that will.