For Consumers

Need help paying for Medicare?

Help with Medicare premiums

The Medicare Savings Program helps people on Medicare, who qualify, pay for all or part of their Medicare premiums.

If you qualify, the Medicare Savings Program may cover your Medicare:

  • Part A premiums
  • Part B premiums
  • Coinsurance
  • Copayments
  • Deductibles

You can have either Original Medicare (Parts A and B) or a Medicare Advantage plan (Part C).

See if you qualify for a Medicare Savings Program

Medicare Savings Program income and resource (asset) levels


Effective April 1, 2025, if your income is less than:

Single person

$1,800 per month/$21,600 per year


$2,432 per month/$29,184 per year

Note: There is no resource/asset test for the MSPs. This means you won't be asked to verify any resources, such as bank account balances.

How to apply

Contact your local Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) program directly to ask for help applying. Or call our Insurance Consumer Hotline at 800-562-6900 and ask to be connected to your local SHIBA office.

Help with paying for prescriptions

Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage Extra Help assists Medicare clients, who qualify, for help to pay their prescription drug plan costs. It covers: 

  • Premiums
  • Deductibles
  • Copays
  • Donut hole/coverage gap (This is when Medicare temporarily stops paying for your prescriptions and you have to pay the entire cost of medications)

Caution: If you receive prescription coverage from an employer plan, you may not want to apply for this help. It could mean you would lose your employer health plan.

Learn more about the Medicare Extra Help program.

See if you qualify for Extra Help for Part D prescription drugs

(Effective February 2025)

Extra Help Part D income and resource (asset) levels


If your income is less than:

If your resources (assets)* are less than:

Single person

$1,883 per month/$22,590 per year



$2,555 per month/$30,660 per year


*Resources include the value of things you own. Examples of resources: Real estate (except the home you live in), bank accounts (checking, savings and certificates of deposit, stocks, bonds, including U.S. Savings Bonds, mutual funds, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and cash at home or anywhere else. Resources do not include the home you live in and one car.

Note: If you have income from working, your income could be higher, so we recommend applying to see if you qualify.

How to apply

Contact your local Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) program directly to ask for help applying. Or call our Insurance Consumer Hotline at 800-562-6900 and ask to be connected to your local SHIBA office.