For Consumers

Adult family home liability market study work group

The Washington state Legislature has asked the Insurance Commissioner to convene a working group to look at the difficulties Adult Family Home operators are facing finding affordable insurance. The working group will:

  • Review the availability and cost of liability insurance for adult family homes;
  • Identify obstacles to adult family homes access to liability insurance including underwriting restrictions, market conditions, as well as legal and regulatory requirements;
  • Evaluate the financial risk to adult family homes, their residents, the state Medicaid program, and others that exist as a result of the increased cost of insurance, or in the event adult family homes are uninsured due to a lack of access to coverage; and 
  • Make policy recommendations to improve access to liability insurance coverage for adult family homes.
  • A preliminary report is due by December 31, 2024, and a final report due by June 30, 2025.

AFH Work Group Data Call

Work group preliminary report

Work group meeting agenda, materials, and recordings

  • There are no meetings currently scheduled. Please check back for updates on future meetings.

Aug. 28, Sept. 25, and Oct. 23 meetings

  • The August, September, and October work group meetings are canceled to allow for 1:1 interviews and data collection.

July 24 meeting

    June 26 meeting

    Work group members

    Adult family home liability market study work group members
    Bryon WelchOffice of the Insurance Commissioner
    Amber LeadersOffice of the Governor
    Kelly RichburgOffice of the Attorney General
    Cathy KinnamonDSHS ALTSA - Home and Community Services
    Colleen JensenDSHS ALTSA - Residential Care Services
    Saif HakimDSHS Developmental Disabilities Administration
    Joy ErvenSurplus Line Association of Washington
    John FickerAdult Family Home Council
    Amina AbdallaAdult Family Home Council
    Rebecca ThompsonFortiphi Insurance
    Raelena MarshCochrane and Company
    Sherri SheidlerMiniCo Insurance Agency
    Katie BaierleinMiniCo Insurance Agency
    Vince TerlajeMiniCo Insurance Agency
    Amy FreemanWashington State long-term care ombudsman