For Consumers

Palliative care benefit work group

The Washington state Legislature has directed the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, in consultation with the Health Care Authority, to convene a work group to design the parameters of a palliative care benefit and payment model for fully insured health plans. The work group must submit a report to the Legislature detailing its work and any recommendations by November 1, 2025. The work group must consider the following elements of a palliative care benefit: 

  • Clinical eligibility criteria; 
  • The services included in a palliative care benefit; 
  • Appropriate staffing, including staffing models and provider training; 
  • Evaluation criteria and reporting requirements; and 
  • Payment models. 

Work group meetings

Past work group meeting materials, and recordings

Oct. 23, 2024 

July 11, 2024

Work group members 

Name Organization 
Nico JanssenOffice of the Insurance Commissioner
Heather Schultz Health Care Authority 
Peter Graham Department of Social and Health Services 
Mandy Latchaw Department of Health 
Christine GibertHealth Benefit Exchange 
Barb Hansen Washington State Hospice & Palliative Care Organization 
Shelby MooreHeartlinks Hospice and Palliative Care 
Marsha FlowersHorizon Hospice and Palliative Care
Gregg VandeKieftProvidence St. Peter Hospital 
C. Maura deOiveiraEvergreenHealth Hospice 
James Fausto UW Medicine for Washington State Hospital Association 
Ryan Larson Harbor Home Health and Hospice for Home Care Association of Washington 
Lyle DollarhidePeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center for Washington State Nurses Association 
Carrie ParksKaiser Permanente for Association of Washington Health Care Plans
Jennifer Curry Regence BlueShield
Chris Rakunas Wellpoint 
Drew OliveriaWashington Health Alliance 
Nico Janssen; Jane Beyer; Sharon DanielProject Team, Office of the Insurance Commissioner