For Consumers

Producer and adjuster licensing requirements (R 2024-06)

The proposed rule will update Chapter 284-17 WAC to ensure producer and adjuster licensing requirements are clear, relevant and aligned with Title 48 insurance laws and the planned National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) interface enhancement. The rule will also: 

  • Simplify the licensing process for limited-line credit insurance by automatically adding it for producers already licensed for life, disability, property or casualty insurance.
  • Allow insurance agencies to designate a new responsible licensed producer (DRLP) during license renewal if the current DRLP is inactive, fixing an issue identified by NIPR.
  • Simplify the fee structure for the cancelation of producer licenses. This will simplify fee calculations and prevent delays in implementing new NIPR features.
  • Remove outdated language that exempted crop adjusters from continuing education (CE) requirements, aligning with a 2022 rule that mandated CE for all licensed resident adjusters.
  • Remove references to pre-licensing education (PLE) to follow a 2023 law that abolished the PLE requirement.
  • Remove references to specific dates for electronic submissions, as all licensing processes are now fully electronic.

    Prepublication draft released June 26, 2024

    Notice to start rulemaking filed June 17, 2024
